Designs by Lisa Smith started as LMS Designs but then I realized customers liked knowing my name and were more comfortable contacting me when they knew my name. I have been in business for 25 years. You may have visited my booth at Art and/or Craft shows in Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Illinois.
Each piece is designed and created by hand at my Cincinnati studio. I use sterling silver and gemstones to create each piece. In 2024, I purchased 288 lbs of stones at the Tucson Gem Show.
I started making jewelry as a child. Always making and trying new things. But my business grew out of one bracelet my sister-in-law and I made in 1999. People started asking me to make them similar bracelets. Then I got invited to craft shows and ladies nights. Soon, I was doing shows every weekend.
You may also see many of my friends at shows with me, helping me out. Tara and Terrie are called fake Lisa by some good customers because they see them with me so often. Ann travels with me also. You will hear us laughing and having a good time.
We never stop making new designs or looking for new techniques. I took several classes this year at the Gem Show.
If you have any questions, please email me at Lisa [!at] or call 513-236-3996
Thank you for helping to support my passion.
Agate, Blue Lace Communication, clarity, confidence
Amazonite Truth, communication, harmony
Amethyst Protection, purification, Divine connection, release of addictionsss
Angelite Angelic communication, serenity, expanded awareness
Aquamarine Cooling, soothing, enhancement of clear communication
Carnelian Courage, vitality, sexuality, confidence, action
Charoite Revealing one’s path of service, purging inner negativity, protection, healing
Chrysocolla Communication, expression of the sacred, goddess energies, gentleness and power Chrysoprase Growth, compassion, connection with Nature, forgiveness, altruism
Citrine Manifestation, personal will, mental clarity, creativity
lear Quartz Inner Clarity and Spirituality
Fluorite Mental enhancement and clarity, improved decision making, clearing the energy fields
Garnet, Almandine Strength, security
Garnet, Black Andradite Grounding, protection, knowledge, creative
Garnet, Grossular Prosperity, health
Jasper, Fancy Grounding mental energies; discipline and perseverance; slow, steady healing
Jasper, Mookite Earth-healing, connection with Nature, joy in life
Jasper, Ocean Enjoyment of life, release of negativity and stress, relaxation, positive self-expression Jasper, Rainforest Earth-healing, connection with Nature, joy in life
Jasper, Red Physical strength and vitality, stabilization of one’s energies
Jasper, Picture Inner journeying to sacred sites and ancient civilizations, connecting with Earth’s Kyanite, Blue Inner bridges, psychic ability, past-life recall, telepathy, empathy
Labradorite Magic, protection
Lapis Lazuli Inner vision, truthful communication, royal virtues
Larimar Calming, cooling, soothing to the emotional body, enhanced communication, feminine power Malachite Enlightened leadership, creativity, confidence, protection, a healed heart
Moonstone, Rainbow Optimism, vitality, inner peace,
Obsidian, Black Psychic protection, grounding, cleansing of negativity, spirit communication
Obsidian, Gold Sheen Healing abuse of power, activating the higher Will, enhanced manifestation Onyx Inner strength, focused attention, willpower, self-mastery, discipline, reason
Pyrite Masculine energy, manifestation, action, vitality, willpower, creativity, confidence
Rhodocrosite Emotional healing, recovery of lost memories and forgotten gifts, self-love, compassion Rose Quartz Love, gentleness, emotional healing, release of stress, uniting with the Divine
Ruby Fuchsite Strong emotional body, valuing of oneself, increased life force
Rutilated Quartz attunement, amplification, expanding awareness, quickening and grounding manifestation
Smoky Quartz Grounding, transmutation of negative energies, practicality, organization, manifestation of one’s dreams and inspirations
Sodalite Access to subconscious and intuitive abilities, enhanced insight and mental performance, deepened intuition
Tiger Eye Balance between extremes, discernment, vital-ity, strength, practicality, fairness
Tiger Iron Strength, stamina, focused will, physical energy and strength, self-healing, grounding Turquoise Wholeness, communication and spiritual expansion